Industry and university interaction

In line with the company “Mobtakeran Pars Andish” was established in 1375 and its main activity was based on the production of technical knowledge for the design and manufacture of engine power test equipment (dynamometer) and its accessories.
history of the company
The beginning of interaction between industry and university: Please mention the history of the company at the beginning.
After graduation, I became a member of the faculty of Mazandaran University in 1372. In addition to teaching, I was looking for a series of practical activities in the field of mechanics. Therefore, I proposed the design and manufacture of test devices to the university. But due to the limited facilities of the university, it was difficult to do industrial work in the university. In the university, as research, it was only possible to design a new work. Therefore, I thought that in parallel, I would establish a company where I could engage in industrial activities. At first, together with my other colleagues, we planned to build general test equipment in 2015. But after we examined the problems of the industry, we saw that the engine assembled from several hundred parts, itself as a product, needs quality control.This is what made us think of making an engine test machine and we saw that no one in Iran has worked on it in a corporate and focused manner. There were those who repaired a test device or made a small sample from it, but they were not considered as an institution that could provide public services. Since the famous Iranian dynamometer is Schenck and has been considered the most appropriate in Iran’s industry since the 1950s, in 1976 we disassembled some examples of the Schenck dynamometer and considered its mechanical details. It was not the intention to copy, but we wanted to complete our information and complete the plan we have in front of us.We made a model similar to the Shank W130 in the size used by car manufacturers. Then we went to sell it. It was obvious that at first the customers did not trust us to buy the engine test machine from us for the first time. As the company that produced the first device that had not yet been tested by a customer, we sold that test device with a purchase guarantee agreement. Our first client was Itrak. We talked to them and they, as buyers, had the right to ask us for a quality guarantee. Their words were also logical. They said how do we know if your device is a good device?In response, we said that we will make the device according to the specifications you need, and then we will receive the money at that time, subject to the correct functioning in the first few months and the approval of your experts. In other words, we undertook the quality guarantee of their purchase. That is, this is how we started our work and the hard way of interaction between industry and university began for us.
How did you feel so confident about your work?
question and answer

Eddy Current dynamometers, which are more popular in the world, hydraulic dynamometers that are used for very high powers, and AC dynamometers that are used for accelerated tests and the like. The power of an engine changes in a hot area and in a cold area or by the sea or mountains, and related to this, there are formulas defined in the standard that the dynamometer software uses and corrects the engine’s output power to sea level and standard conditions. As an example, Peugeot car engine is about 73 kW. This 73 kW engine will have a power of sixty kilowatts at sea level in Tehran. This power difference can be measured with a dynamometer.
What types of dynamometers are mostly produced by your company?
Usually in the world, dynamometer companies do not make AC dynamometers, they procure drive, motor and generator from other companies and assemble the set and add software, sensors and chassis to it. In other words, the big dynamometer companies in the world usually do not produce generator dynamometers themselves, but they produce eddycarnet and hydraulic dynamometers. Eddycarnet and hydraulic dynamometers and AC dynamometers are designed and assembled in our company.
What do you consider the difference and similarity or the strength and weakness of your collection?
question and answer

It might not be bad to split the force or torque parameter calibration method, especially the difference between dynamic and static calibration. In the country, we are facing the limitation of the possibility of dynamically calibrating the power parameter. In the absence of such calibration, the results of the dynamometer cannot be relied upon. One of the problems with dynamometer equipment is the issue of validating its results, since you are using rotary torque meters anyway.
We don’t have this problem in Edicarnet and hydraulic dynamometers, because a rotary torque meter is not used at all and we use a load cell instead. For calibration, we use the same famous method of creating static torque with weights and calibration arm. The customer is given a calibrated weight along with the device, and the torque parameter can be calibrated with a specified arm. In other words, we calibrate the torque statically. During use, the torque is transferred from the rotor to the stator.
It is changed from its dynamic state to static state and is also measured in static state. For example, we measure the torque when the engine stabilizes at a certain point, say 2000 revolutions per minute (rpm). So, we don’t need dynamic torque calibration in Edicarnet and hydraulic dynamometers. In this type of dynamometers, this method is accepted as a principle in the world and is considered as an advantage for Edicarnet and hydraulic dynamometers.
So what do you do with the problem of noise resulting from the dynamic behavior of the part?
In Edicarnet and hydraulic dynamometers, there may be electrical noise. But we don’t have mechanical noise. But we have this problem in AC dynamometer. Of course, I need to remind you that this problem exists in dynamometers that use a rotating tachometer, and its calibration is difficult. This is one of the problems with AC dynamometers. Customers who buy such dynamometers sometimes only mean to perform dynamic tests. That is, they buy the device for the acceleration test.
They want to see how much the acceleration from 0 to 100 will be if the engine under test is installed on a car that weighs, for example, two tons. That is, in their own simulation software, they want to check the dynamic behavior of the engine using this dynamometer before building the car. This work cannot be done with a hydraulic dynamometer and eddy current, and an AC dynamometer should be used. In this case, the rotary torque sensor must be used and dynamically calibrated.
What power range does the dynamometers of your collection include?
What are the dimensions and size of the 3.6 MW dynamometer compared to smaller ranges?
In dynamometer design, it is common in the world to write a basic software that does not change in different dynamometer sizes. Of course, our electric motor test software is different from internal combustion engine test software. In the internal combustion test device, indicators such as fuel consumption, air consumption, cylinder head temperature and power difference compared to sea level should be seen with standard formulas.
Also, it should be possible to define the work cycle of life and performance. In the dynamometer software of electric motors, indicators such as input power, frequency, voltage, current, active power, reactive power and finally the energy label should be considered. No one is looking for the energy label that is in electric motors in internal combustion engines. The software writer must know the engine, that is, have the mechanical knowledge of the engine. Otherwise, there will be many problems. Fortunately, our software designers are completely familiar with the control equipment and have excellent experience in the engine field.
question and answer

Mr. Engineer, in the field of test equipment, after-sales service plays an important role. That is, one of the advantages that attract customers to you is how well you provide after-sales service. Explain a little about your approach and plans in after-sales service.
The devices manufactured by our company include a one-year warranty. But sometimes it has happened that even up to two years and more than two years we have replaced a part and we have not demanded money in return. Fortunately, we have not had any problems with the customer regarding this issue. We even repair and warranty foreign dynamometers. As far as I know, few people can repair a working foreign dynamometer.
Not only do we have the ability to repair them, but we also offer a six-month warranty on a machine that has been working and repaired for fifteen years. We repair the 3.6 MW Desa dynamometer and warranty it for six months. It’s been a few years now and still no problem. The customer was given a six-month warranty, for a device that was not ours at all and had been working for ten or fifteen years. Usually no one does this, but we do it in our company, to create this confidence in the customer, we have not had any problems so far.
Some of the problems that exist are that customers are usually weak in the field of technology and standardization. That is, sometimes they want a device to perform a test, while they neither know the specifications of the test nor its standard. How do you help them in this field?
When a customer orders a machine, we first show him the dynamometer we have in our workshop, because some dynamometer buyers have never seen a dynamometer before. They don’t know what they want from day one. Then, in our own company or at the buyer’s place, we carefully analyze the specifications of the device they need with meetings so that they know exactly what they want to buy. Because if the contract is closed, although it is good for us financially, but we cannot satisfy the customer at the time of delivery and we will face problems.
At the time of delivery, the customer just tells his needs that, for example, he needs a certain test, while this dynamometer does not perform that test. For example, the test characteristics of electric motor dynamometers are known according to the standards. We tell the customer what tests this device can perform, now if he needs a high voltage test or ohmmeter, we tell him that the dynamometer is not supposed to perform these tests. These tests have other corresponding devices that must be procured from other places. On the very first day, we determine the accuracy of the device and the error rate of the sensors.
Don’t expect unusual precision until later. These accuracies are all within the standard range. Sometimes, electric dynamometer customers ask us for a device without a computer, so that the cost is lower. Only manual control. We tell them what they need the dynamometer for. If they want to test during production, there is no problem, but if they want to get approval from the standard department for accreditation for the laboratory, they definitely need a computer. The difference in the price of a dynamometer with and without a computer is about forty percent.
You can read and see the services of this company to get more information about the performance of the Mobtakeran company in the field of industry and university interaction.